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  • Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage 3
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    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    Clip Description

    Almost 30 minutes of continuous heavy leather bondage for karina. She is wearing the full set of leather arm and leg binders and severe posture collar.

    will karina (a.K.A. Ms houdini) be able to get out of this predicament?

    Clip Duration:      29 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv264.3 MB

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    Additional Thumbnails

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3

    D K Bondage - Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage  3
    Customers who bought this Video also purchased:

    Karina In Heavy Leather Bondage 2 - Karina is struggling in heavy leather armbinders and heavy leather posture collar.  The armbinders have steel internal stiffeners and karina is having difficulty bending her arms.

when she finally manages to reach and unfasten the straps on one arm and start on the other arm we retighten the straps and pull heavy padded leather mitts over her hands and strap them on tightly.

this lady is going no-where!

    Karinas First Fitting In The New Extreme Rubber Hood - Watch as karina is first zipped and then laced into the new extreme rubber hood.  There are d rings all over the hood, and two locking buckles that once padlocked will prevent the hood being removed even if karina's hands are free.
we use pink padlocks for the locking buckles but karina can see nothing in this hood.  She also has great difficulty talking and describes the hood as being a second skin.

this is just the start of the many planned experoiences for karina while wearing this hood.  We hope it will become a firm favourite of you and her. :)

    Topaz Escapes From The Darlex Lotus Sack - We have zipped topaz into the darlex lotus sack with her arms pinned behind her back in an inner sleeve.  We are confident that topaz will be unable to escape but we are amazed as, after some struggling, her fingers appear out of the neck of the sack.
we tie her up again, this time padlocking the zip of the sack.  Still she manages to escape.
for the third escape attempt we use two leather straps to tightly hold her upper body in place.  Surely she will not be able to escape now?

    Wild Wife Into Tight Hoods And Even Tighter Hogties - We introduce a new lady to you - wild wife.  A red-headed beauty, wild wife, as her name suggests is a barely tamed woman who has strong passions.
her husband is in the habit of tying her up before he leaves each day for work.  
today she is dressed all in black - a hood, heavy rubber straitjacket, catsuit and thigh-high boots.  Her bondage day-dreams are disturbed by an intruder.  It is difficult to tell who is the more surprised of the pair!
she reveals that her husband has left her in this state and that he never ties her up tight enough.  See how the intruder responds to this challenge!

    Karina Is Bagged Sacked And Strapped - During this clip we had to remind karina that this was what she asked for.  Well - to be honest, she had not asked for all we subjected her to, but we know what you like!

the clip starts with karina in a tight latex catsuit.  She opens out a ******** bag and climbs into it.  The straps under the bag are all tightened up and then a latex sack that karina did not see is pulled up over the ******** bag.

unable to stop us, a rubber gasmask is fitted and connected to a bubbler bottle.  The latex sack is then fully closed.  Karina is not at all sure about this!  After a few minutes the bubbler bottle is disconnected and the breathing apparatus is reconnected.  Placing a thumb over a little hole in the tubing has a remarkable effect on karina - one that she had not counted on feeling.

when we eventually disconnect the tubing and open the latex sack karina is in a profound state of bliss. :)  We hope that you enjoy this clip and hope that karina will soon be back for more.

    Karina Prepared For Transport - This is the first of two parts where we see karina, dressed in two catsuits and two hoods, prepared for transportation for further training.  A long hose is attached to her rubber narcosis hood, followed by a leather armbinder.

    Thisgirl Walks Out In My Back Garden - The main feature in this clip is of 'thisgirl' dressed in a leather pony harness, wearing pony boots and being walked around my back garden at the end of a long steel chain.

the intensity of the training is increased by the addition of a severe leather hood that has only nostril holes.

the clip opens with 'thisgirl' dressed in a leather hobble dress, boots and armbinder walking around the garden.

'thisgirl' has a blog that can be found here: thisgirl.Wordpress****/  

the made-to-measure pony harness was supplied courtesy of locked4infinity (http://****lockedforinfinity****/store/theharness).

    Adreena Dominates Karen Chessman - Karen chessman is totally encased in rubber, including a gasmask, and is lying bound in ropes on the floor.

adreena is dressed from head to toes in skintight latex and is wearing black thigh bootd.  She circles karen, testing her bonds and kicking and hittung her with her crop.  Watch as she establishes her dominance over karen.

    Alais  First Time In Neoprene Sleepsack Scarf Bondage - This is our first published clip of alais.

dressed in a zentai suit, alais is helped into the neoprene sleepsack by her partner, ed.  She is soon totally cocooned into the sack and once the sack is zipped there is no escape.  However, we are not satisfied with that!

a matching neoprene doublehood is added and then ed uses several silk scarves to pin alais within the sack.  Her struggles are a delight to watch and we feel sure you will agree with us.

more clips will follow of this delightful lady who keeps us on our toes throughout her visit. :)

    Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape - In this clip we use red packing tape to totally mummify karina.  The red tape differs from the thin brown tape that we all use to fasten parcels only in its colour.  Thin and with an incredible ability to stick itself back to its roll, packing tape is very difficult from which to get free.
karina starts off the mummification process on herself by wearing tights to protect her skin from the excessive tackiness of the tape's glue.  Then she self-wraps her legs until she can wrap no further.
watch with us as we film karina disappearing under a layer of the red tape.  Her feet and toes are almost the last to disappear, followed, at last, by a red and black hood.
by the end of the process karina can barely move any part of her body, except her toes!

    Karina Chairtied And Drooling  A Compilation - We watch as karina, wearing back-laced thigh boots, corset, collar, panties, ankle and wrist cuffs and blindfold is tied down into a sturdy captains chair. 
her ankles are then roped to the front chair legs.  By the time she realizes what is happening to her she has also lost the use of her hands which are tied together behind her back!
she is then ballgagged so tightly that she is unable to swallow and her saliva has only one way to go! Watch as she drools down her body and onto her rubber panties! Her struggle to escape is far too late! 
in the final part of the compilation the drool is continuous. We watch as karina, wearing thigh boots, corset, collar, panties and blindfold is tied down into a sturdy captains chair.

    Celia In Heavy Rubber And Leather Arm And Leg Binders - Celia is dressed in a heavy rubber catsuit and wears a heavy leather hood.

stretched out on a 4-poster bed, she has thick leather arm binders attached and tightened and locked together, followed by equally thick leather leg binders.  Each of the binders is laced tightly and then straps are fastened to keep each binder in place.

celia struggles to escape, but in vain.  The binders do their job far too well.  Her breath quickens as she realises her predicament.

this is the first of a two-part video clip.

    Leather Straitjacket Escape Attempt  2 - With her upper body firmly encased in the heavy leather straitjacket, we now wrap red white and blue packing tape around karina's folded legs.  This 'frog-tie' is meant to limit karina's movement but she has obviously not been reading the script.

watch as she hops her way towards freedom. :)

    Thisgirl In The Rubber Bondage Bag - This is the longest clip we have ever posted on our website and at a very special price.  $24.99 for 39 minutes.
normally the clip would be split into two because of its size but we felt that this needed to be sold in its entirety.

'thisgirl' is eager to try the heavy rubber bondage bag.  Wearing a latex catsuit and eyeless latex hood, 'thisgirl' inserts herself into the bondage bag.  Zipped in and then further strapped in, a latex gas mask is added to complete the bondage.

a water-filled bottle is brought into use, but we'll leave you to find out what happens once you have bought the clip.  :)

    Adreena Experiences Supertight Bondage In Neoprene Sleepsack - This is a 17 minute, unedited clip of adreena preparing herself for a session in the neoprene sleepsack and matching hood.

she starts by plugging her ears and ball-gagging herself, climbing into the sleepsack and then pulling on the neoprene hood.  This hood has an extra layer of neoprene that totally covers the face.  When fully zipped the effect is to deaden all sound, remove all sight and restrict breathing!

we zip up the sleepsack and proceed to wrap adreena tightly over virtually her entire body with lengths of rubber strips, stretching the strips as they are applied, thus providing constant tension on her body.

the session finishes earlier than planned but we will probably try it again next time.

    Alais In The Leather Bondage Sack - Our new model, alais, gets her first experience of tight bondage in the leather bondage sack.
wearing a multi-coloured zentai suit, alais slides into the bondage sack and is steadily strapped into it by her partner, ed.  The strapping is only moderately tight at first, to allow her to adjust to this new experience.  She is vocal in her objections but we don't believe her.
soon we have her in a heavy leather hood and ed is retightening each of the many straps.  The look on her face at the end of the session tells us all we want to know. :)

    Karina Krawls To Freedom - Karina has only to crawl to the front door to be released.  Easy, we hear you say.

but here things are never quite what they seem.

karina is dressed in a tight-fitting latex catsuit and locked into the darlex sleepsack.  Internal sleeves pinion her arms to her side.  A latex hood with blacked-out goggles completes her outfit.

watch her journey in nine minutes of continuous video footage.

    Gagged And Drooling - This is a consecutive series of gagging scenes where karina has three different, large, mouth-filling gags fitted and we get a close-up view of the drooling that follows!
the first scenes show karina dressed in a yellow zentai suit tied to a heavy wooden chair.  Her leether-gloved arms are pulled up behind her into a strappado and her cuffed wrists are tied to the frame of the chair to make escape impossible.
the strappado pushes her head forward and down so that once gagged any drool will tend to drain out of her mouth.  Keeping her head lifted will be very difficult.
the drool soons start to flow after the first ballgag is fitted and with the use of the two subsequent gags the flow of drool increases.  Karina genuinely does not like the  of having these scenes filmed.
judge for yourself as you watch over 18 minutes of nothing but gag scenes and drooling!

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